Archive for the ‘Anxiety’ Category

Alpha GPC – A Smart Nutrient for Brain Health and More

Alpha GPC is a smart nutrient that is essential for memory, learning, nerve health, and so much more. Yet if you’re like most Americans, you’re likely not getting enough.

Improve Your Sleep-Wake Rhythms for Immune Health

When life’s daily routine gets out of sync, it influences your internal circadian rhythms and body clocks. Your immune system’s vitality relies on this most primal action.

Stress, Panic and Self Care

Feeling stressed, anxious, worn out? Nutritional fortification and rest helps you better interpret, manage and recover from stress.

Top 10 Health Stories of 2019

Current events, cutting-edge research, and delving deep into the literature this past year brought a great diversity in topics written for the Wellness Resources weekly newsletter.

Answers To Your Dr. Google Questions

Results were recently posted for the most popular questions asked to “Dr Google” in 2019. Here are some great resources to address some of these topics for you!

Taming Anxiety Requires Healthy Brain Mitochondria Function

Fascinating research findings show just how fundamental mitochondrial health is for mood and mental vitality.

Back to School Stress and Nutrition

The summer is over and children are going back to school. Growing and developing strong minds and bodies requires good nutrition to manage stress and increased demands.

Amazing Brain Nutrient Helps Memory, Learning, Focus, and Mood

Discover how this key brain nutrient can help improve memory, brain stress, learning, focus, and mood!

Taking a Fish Oil Supplement? Quality Matters

You may have heard that you should be taking a fish oil supplement. However, not all fish oil is the same! Use these tips to ensure you are taking a high quality fish oil supplement.

Magnesium: A Notable Mineral Essential for Life

The list of activities that magnesium is involved with is like the Who’s Who of elite physiology. Discover why magnesium is one mineral you don’t want to be lacking.