Archive for the ‘Blood Sugar’ Category

Grape Seed Extract: Versatile and Valued Antioxidant

Commonly recognized for its support for connective tissue, this little gem of nature benefits numerous tissues and functions throughout the body.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Bites Recipe

Try this delicious protein-packed recipe perfect for peanut lovers and chocolate lovers alike.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Triggered by Vaccine Adjuvant

Recent studies on adjuvants and vaccines show that these popular preventative measures are contributing to chronic fatigue syndrome and other severe consequences.

Pterostilbene — An Ancient Prized Health Tonic

Pterostilbene is a powerful anti-aging antioxidant and flavonoid for healthy blood sugar, cholesterol metabolism, weight loss, nerves and cellular health.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine for Brain Health, Blood Sugar, Fertility and More

Acetyl-l-carnitine is an important nutrient for memory, mood, nerves, brain cells, sperm and egg cells, mitochondria, pregnancy, blood sugar health, heart and other functions in the…

Curcumin Supports Gut Lining and Health

Curcumin is one versatile and helpful nutrient that helps support a healthy digestive tract.

Vitamin K: It Helps More Than Just Bones

Vitamin K2 has an excellent reputation for supporting bone health. While this is often the entire focus of vitamin K2, its capabilities and effects on health goes well beyond bones.

How to Eat for Blood Sugar Health

It’s essential to understand blood sugar health and how to eat in an optimal way to support healthy insulin function. This will help you more easily burn fat for fuel and keep weight off.

Blood Sugar Affects Heart Rhythm

An estimated 2.7 – 6.1 million people have atrial fibrillation (AFib), according to the CDC. The majority of those who have atrial fibrillation are 65 and older. In fact, nearly one out of ten…

How Whey Protein Boosts Metabolism and Weight Loss

High quality whey protein continues to shine for enhancing metabolism and weight loss. Start your day off right with a whey protein smoothie!