Archive for the ‘Blood Sugar’ Category

Getting Started on The Leptin Diet

The Leptin Diet teaches you to maximize your ability to get energy from the food you eat; meaning you can eat less food and have more energy. This is how you can get started losing weight today!

The Immune Boosting Powers of Lactoferrin

Lactoferrin is a normal part of your body fluids and secretions (saliva, tears, and mucous), providing important protective immune properties at points where we are exposed to bacterial threats.

Magnesium: A Notable Mineral Essential for Life

The list of activities that magnesium is involved with is like the Who’s Who of elite physiology. Discover why magnesium is one mineral you don’t want to be lacking.

How Snacking Prevents Weight Loss

You might think that eating several small meals per day will help to improve self-control, but think again. Snacking is actually a challenge to metabolism. Here’s why.

Tips to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Successful

Better health and weight loss are at the top of many people’s New Year’s resolutions! Here are some vital areas of health to keep in check as you focus on improving your wellness in 2018!

Vitamin D in Childhood Reduces Type 1 Diabetes Risk

A new study reported a connection between having adequate intake of vitamin D during infancy and childhood and a reduced risk of islet autoimmunity, a risk factor for Type 1 Diabetes.

Antidepressants Increase Risk of Diabetes, Heart Attack, and Dementia

Extensive studies show that antidepressant medications increase the risk of diabetes. Prescription medications do have side effects, but there are natural options for mood support.

How to Reverse Prediabetes

Prediabetes means there is trouble with blood sugar health. A diagnosis is a wake-up call and a window of opportunity to reverse the situation before it is too late.