Archive for the ‘Cardiovascular Health’ Category

Taming Anxiety Requires Healthy Brain Mitochondria Function

Fascinating research findings show just how fundamental mitochondrial health is for mood and mental vitality.

This is Your Brain on Pop

Recent findings show that regular soda pop consumption creates a number of unhealthy effects on the brain.

E-cigarettes and Vaping – Not Just Harmless Water Vapor

E-cigarette use has dramatically increased in a short time and has caused alarm with the CDC, health professionals, schools and parents.

Exercise Endurance and Energy Linked to Gut Health

Your gut health has a direct impact on your physical endurance, stamina, and recovery due to the inter-relationship of gut flora to mitochondria.

5G Wireless Looming, Health Concerns Abound

Implementation of 5G wireless communications across the United States will have a lasting impact on the health of the world.

Curcumin Supports Gut Lining and Health

Curcumin is one versatile and helpful nutrient that helps support a healthy digestive tract.

Sedentary Lifestyle and Swollen Legs Contribute to Snoring

Understanding why you or your loved one snores is important to take charge of your health.

Atrial Fibrillation Linked to Stress, Diabetes, Dental Health, and Gut Health

Is oxidative stress an underling source of your heart’s atrial fibrillation? For many individuals, the answer may very well be – yes. The follow-up question is where is the source?

Adaptogens, Stress, and the HPA Axis

Over 75 percent of patient visits to primary care physicians are due to stress. Nutritional support with adaptogenic herbs can help to improve stress tolerance and restore vitality.

Vitamin C for Stress, Collagen, Immunity

Vitamin C is a “Jack of all trades” in healthy physiology. Widely used for immune system support and as a general antioxidant, it plays many other important roles.