Archive for the ‘Children’s Health’ Category

Stress, Panic and Self Care

Feeling stressed, anxious, worn out? Nutritional fortification and rest helps you better interpret, manage and recover from stress.

A Game Plan for Optimizing Immune Function

Your immune system works all day every day, and it needs lots of fuel to do its job best. Learn how you can best support a healthy immune system.

Oat Beta Glucan – Nature’s Heart Healthy Wonder

Fiber intake from wholesome foods and supplemental sources like oat beta glucan provide more benefits than you likely ever imagined.

Sunscreen Dangers Continue to be Exposed

A new study further exposes the potential harm of sunscreen chemicals which enter the blood stream after just one application.  

Top 10 Health Stories of 2019

Current events, cutting-edge research, and delving deep into the literature this past year brought a great diversity in topics written for the Wellness Resources weekly newsletter.

Answers To Your Dr. Google Questions

Results were recently posted for the most popular questions asked to “Dr Google” in 2019. Here are some great resources to address some of these topics for you!

This is Your Brain on Pop

Recent findings show that regular soda pop consumption creates a number of unhealthy effects on the brain.

Thyroid and Brain Health Impacted by Glyphosate Herbicides

It has been a more than a year since a California jury found Monsanto’s weed killer Roundup a major reason for cancer in a school groundskeeper. Now class-action lawsuit advertisements…

Antibiotics Before Flu Vaccination Alters Immune Response

Flu vaccination promotions are about to flood the market again. A recent study opens up questions and concerns on the combination of antibiotic use and flu vaccinations on health.

Mothers Need Vitamin C for Healthy Offspring

Vitamin C affects your body at the core of cellular division, DNA methylation and is critical for mental sharpness. Two recent studies on vitamin C have been very popular in medical press.