Archive for the ‘Circulation’ Category

5G Wireless Looming, Health Concerns Abound

Implementation of 5G wireless communications across the United States will have a lasting impact on the health of the world.

Curcumin Supports Gut Lining and Health

Curcumin is one versatile and helpful nutrient that helps support a healthy digestive tract.

Sedentary Lifestyle and Swollen Legs Contribute to Snoring

Understanding why you or your loved one snores is important to take charge of your health.

Atrial Fibrillation Linked to Stress, Diabetes, Dental Health, and Gut Health

Is oxidative stress an underling source of your heart’s atrial fibrillation? For many individuals, the answer may very well be – yes. The follow-up question is where is the source?

Vitamin C for Stress, Collagen, Immunity

Vitamin C is a “Jack of all trades” in healthy physiology. Widely used for immune system support and as a general antioxidant, it plays many other important roles.

Magnesium: A Notable Mineral Essential for Life

The list of activities that magnesium is involved with is like the Who’s Who of elite physiology. Discover why magnesium is one mineral you don’t want to be lacking.

Aspirin Riskier Than Previously Thought

Doctors common prescribe Apirin like candy for circulatory and inflammatory concerns, but Aspirin is not as benign as once thought. Are you aware of the risks?

Aspirin Riskier Than Previously Thought

Doctors common prescribe Apirin like candy for circulatory and inflammatory concerns, but Aspirin is not as benign as once thought. Are you aware of the risks?

Aspirin Riskier Than Previously Thought

Doctors common prescribe aspirin like candy for circulatory and inflammatory concerns, but aspirin is not as benign as once thought. Are you aware of the risks?

The Many Health Benefits of Resveratrol

Interest in resveratrol took off when it was discovered to be the active component in red wine that is thought to be the secret to the “French Paradox”. Discover the other secrets of resveratrol.