Archive for the ‘Detoxification’ Category

Fiber Sets the Foundation for Healthy Weight Loss

Getting the recommended 30-50 grams of fiber will help you follow The Five Rules of the Leptin Diet without feeling deprived and make you more likely to reach your goal weight.

Dirty Dozen 2018: Key Foods to Buy Organic Right Now

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has recently updated their “dirty dozen” and “clean 15” lists.

Fluoride Lowers IQ in Children

A 12-year study finds that pregnant women with the highest intake of fluoride had offspring with lower intelligence and cognitive scores.

5 Sneaky Signs You May Need to Detox

In our modern world we are constantly exposed to toxins. Discover hidden cues that your body is being overloaded and support detoxification if necessary.

Pantethine Helps Metabolism, Cholesterol, and Stress

Pantethine is a unique form of vitamin B5 that gives it health benefits that regular vitamin B5 doesn’t have. Discover why it’s worth taking this amazing nutrient!

Top 5 Liver Support Nutrients

Your liver is your main detoxification organ and it has a full-time job. Give it the TLC it deserves with these nutrients!

Staying Healthy in the Midst of Life’s Storms

Our hearts go out to those affected by the recent natural disasters across the globe. Here are some tips to help reduce the toll on health and to run the race of life’s ups and downs.