Archive for the ‘Diabetes’ Category

Fiber Supplements Help Type 2 Diabetics

Research supports adding a fiber supplement as an effective way of controlling blood sugar naturally in type 2 diabetics.

Periodontal Disease Linked with Diabetes and Heart Health

Nearly half of adults over 30 have some form of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease affects more than the teeth and gums — it is now linked with heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and more.

PQQ and Coenzyme Q10 – Powerful Nutrients for Your Health

PQQ and coenzyme Q10 work together to perform a choreographed dance in energy production. The studies that support their health benefits reach far and wide. Find out how they will help you.

How to Reverse Prediabetes

Prediabetes means there is trouble with blood sugar health. A diagnosis is a wake-up call and a window of opportunity to reverse the situation before it is too late.