Archive for the ‘Digestive Health’ Category

Help Keep Your Thyroid Nourished

Your thyroid has many specific nutrient needs. A lack any of these necessary nutrients makes it harder to maintain normal thyroid and metabolic function.

Thyroid Health Depends on Balanced Methylation

Thyroid hormone is an important part of metabolic processes and affects every system in your body.

Top 10 Health Stories of 2019

Current events, cutting-edge research, and delving deep into the literature this past year brought a great diversity in topics written for the Wellness Resources weekly newsletter.

Answers To Your Dr. Google Questions

Results were recently posted for the most popular questions asked to “Dr Google” in 2019. Here are some great resources to address some of these topics for you!

Silica – Supports Your Bones, Joints, Nails and More

One of the most abundant minerals on earth is surprisingly lacking in our diet. Silica is needed for you hair, skin, nails, bones, brain health, and so much more!

Vitamin D and Magnesium: Essential Partnership for Health

One pair for nutrients that have gotten more research and understanding is magnesium and vitamin D. Bother are needed, but the presence or absence of one affects the other.

Astaxanthin Helps Cell Clean-Up, Immunity, and Gut Health

Astaxanthin is a powerful nutrient that regulates autophagy, helps the digestive and immune systems, and slows down the process of aging.

Curcumin Helps Esophagus, Stomach, and Digestive Health

New research shows that curcumin significantly supports the health of the whole digestive system.

This is Your Brain on Pop

Recent findings show that regular soda pop consumption creates a number of unhealthy effects on the brain.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Triggered by Vaccine Adjuvant

Recent studies on adjuvants and vaccines show that these popular preventative measures are contributing to chronic fatigue syndrome and other severe consequences.