Archive for the ‘Digestive Health’ Category

Bromelain for Body Repair, Gluten and Biofilm Breakdown

Bromelain, which is a type of enzyme, has a long-standing track record for trash removal and natural repair of the body’s daily wear and tear.

Western Diet Causes Cycle of Brain Damage and Obesity

Ongoing research shows us from a health perspective just how bad Western diets are to the human brain and metabolism.

Viruses, Vaccinations, and Depression

The cry for mandatory vaccinations due to recent measles outbreaks has caused major sparks. In addition, viruses that were once thought dormant are now recognized causes of depression.

What Causes Undereye Circles?

It is often assumed that undereye circles are caused by a lack of sleep, but there is more to the story. Get to the root of what is going on inside the body and eliminate them altogether.

Turmeric Ginger Spice Protein Smoothie

Features bioactive whey protein with real ginger and turmeric. This smoothie gives you an energy and health boost on-the-go.

Gut Motility: Fundamentals to Master for Metabolism, Weight Management, and Gut

Gut motility and the MIgrating Motor Complex (MMC) are essential to a healthy gut and gut flora, as well as healthy blood sugar, leptin, weight management and feeling satisfied at meals.

Fiber Sets the Foundation for Healthy Weight Loss

Getting the recommended 30-50 grams of fiber will help you follow The Five Rules of the Leptin Diet without feeling deprived and make you more likely to reach your goal weight.

Hair Loss and Skin Wrinkles Reflect Mitochondrial Aging

Hair and skin reflect many things regarding health status. What is your hair and skin saying about your nutritional status?

GERD Caused by Popular Drugs

1 in 5 adults is dealing with GERD daily. Numerous reasons account for this and some of them may be in your medicine cabinet or daily routine. Realize acid reflux is a sign your digestion needs change

Magnesium: A Notable Mineral Essential for Life

The list of activities that magnesium is involved with is like the Who’s Who of elite physiology. Discover why magnesium is one mineral you don’t want to be lacking.